Thursday, April 1, 2010

Xmas shopping question

Yupe I know summer just started, but I%26#39;m one of thse people plan ahead. I%26#39;m thinking about coming to shop in area and staying in Gettysburg. Is there anything going on that shouldn%26#39;t be missed or that I really should miss from about first of Nov to maybe second week in Dec [my dates are flexable at this point].

I want to able to get out on the Battle field a little in morning [I%26#39;m an early riser, and don%26#39;t tell me how it will be cold, I work outside year around in VT]. Shop into the early evening, enjoy a nice dinner, and maybe fit in a little more Battle Field time befoer bed. I%26#39;m looking for crowds of people, but wouldn%26#39;t mind finding that Christmassy look and feeling.

Xmas shopping question

Hi vtmom13 -

Christmas is one of my favorite times of year to visit Gettysburg. Definitely try to make your plans for the weekend of the annual holiday tour of the area inns - we%26#39;ve gone twice and it was great each time. About 12 inns/historic buildings of Gettysburg participate %26amp; open their festively-decorated doors to visitors for a Saturday afternoon. You can tour the guest rooms (which we love) and each site usually offers a little something special - i.e., holiday refreshments, candle-making demonstrations, even cooking lessons. The places are beautifully decorated (don%26#39;t expect tinsel %26amp; lights, though - think greenery %26amp; fruit, authentic to the time period) and since you tour in your own car %26amp; at your own pace, you get to decide which sites you%26#39;ll see, when you%26#39;ll arrive, etc.

I don%26#39;t think this year%26#39;s date has yet been announced, and don%26#39;t quote me on this, but the 2 years I%26#39;ve gone, it was the 2nd weekend in December -so I%26#39;d say it%26#39;ll be around then. There%26#39;s a donation charge for each ticket - $10 or $12, I believe - but most of the area inns offer special packages that weekend which include your ticket to this %26amp; other holiday festivities.

Xmas shopping question

I asked this earlier in the year, and am hopping now that summer is rapping I might get more replys.

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