Thursday, April 1, 2010

Delivery/take out

I%26#39;ll be passing through and looking for some good delivery/take out in Chambersburg to bring back to my hotel room. I could go for Italian or Chinese, but other good foods would be fine, too. We are all vegetarian, FYI. Thanks for any suggestions you might have.

Delivery/take out

Your best bet is to check with hotel where you%26#39;ll be staying

Delivery/take out

Caretti%26#39;s has great pizza (they deliver), Montezuma%26#39;s for Mexican - very good salsa and chips if you just want a snack :), Rosalie%26#39;s has good Italian and salads, and I%26#39;d recommend China Wok for Chinese (located on Wayne Ave). There is also a Panera in the area (I love their salads and sandwiches!)

We ended up getting Caretti%26#39;s, and I would definitely recommend this for delivery. Everything was great, especially the broccoli calzone and the manicotti. They have a huge salad if you get the regular size, more than enough to split.

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