Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cape May side trip

We are flying out of Philladelphia on a Sat. at 5:30. Would we have time to spend Friday night in Cape May and drive back in on Sat. morning? I%26#39;ve read that traffic can be bad on the road since it is one road in and out.

Any suggestions on places to stay/things to do on that Friday night if we make the trip?

Cape May side trip

Traffic is bad going TO Cape May on Friday nights and erarly Saturday morning. It is bad coming back on Sunday nights. I%26#39;m not a big Cape May fan, so perhaps others can tell you about the interesting stuff to do. I do like Cape May Point lighthouse.

Cape May side trip

I%26#39;m assuming your plane is 5:30 PM not AM!!

I can attest to there also being bad traffic on Saturdays afternoons because Saturday is the day that most beach house rentals turn over. Therefore, if you do not want to spend hours in traffic on the Atlantic City expressway, it would be best to leave early Sat. AM.

In my experience it is hard to find one night accomodations at the Jersey Shore. However, you may get lucky.

I would post your question about things to do in Cape May on the Cape May NJ forum. I believe that Cape May would have some excellent restaurants.

When I have been to Cape May I have enjoyed the lighthouse, the beach, and shopping in the stores along the beach. Beach tags are required for the beach in Cape May, $4 for a day tag.

If you do want to try it you can avoid the Atlantic City Expressway by taking some smaller roads that take you over the Commodore Barry Bridge to I-95 south of the Airport.


Thanks guys. Sounds like I would be better served to see that lighthouse another time.

Any other suggestions for a one night side trip? I%26#39;d like to see Amish country but the posts I%26#39;ve read are not too promising and sound like it has become very commercial.

Brandywine Valley is very lovely. It%26#39;s home to Londwood Gardens, the Brandywine River Museum (art), The Brandywine Battlefield, and more.


Lynn%26#39;s suggestions are great. I love the Brandywine River Museum.

If you just wanted to go down to the beach overnight, you could try a closer shore town, like Atlantic City itself. The AC Expressway does back up excitingly, but the worst traffic is usually on

the Garden State Parkway, the north-south road that you have to get onto after you get down AC Expressway. The back routes to the coast, notably the White Horse Pike, will get you further east without the expressway, but it%26#39;ll be crowded. Just that time of year.

Be aware that when you%26#39;re discussing traffic nightmares, the Brandywine Valley should be included. Beautiful landscape, jampacked with suburbia and McMansions and a devil%26#39;s nest of sprawl.

You didn%26#39;t say if you have kids, but if you do, Ocean City NJ might eb an alternative. Still ugly traffic, but not as bad as cape may, and a nice family friendly boardwalk..

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