We%26#39;re from Houston so we%26#39;re used VERY hot weather. I%26#39;m surprising my huband for his 35th bday and taking him to the Steelers game Sept 7th. And I%26#39;m not telling him about it until we are on our way to the airport. So I%26#39;ll be packing for the 2 of us. I was thinking jeans and tshirts during the day and may need sweaters at night??
Weather in early September..What to pack?
Bring shorts too - we usually have glorious weather in September, with the heat of the dog days of summer still lingering.
Jeans and t-shirts should be brought, but it may be too humid for jeans so having the shorts is a good idea.
And do bring a light jacket or sweater since the temps can be chilly for people used to much higher temps. 56 degrees is still shorts weather for us, but maybe not for you!
Weather in early September..What to pack?
Thanks! It helps alot to know you get into the 50%26#39;s in September. I%26#39;ll deinfitly pack for cooler weather and maybe one pair of shorts just in case it%26#39;s a little warmer. You%26#39;re right weather in the 50%26#39;s is cool for us those are our winter temps.
Google weather Pgh Pa when it gets closer to your departure date. You will see posted a forecast for 4-5 days ahead of time. They seem to be relatively accurate. Sure would take guessing out of the equation as well as limiting the the amount you would need to pack.
I%26#39;d pack for hot weather, myself. Check weather.com before you go, but I went to the first Steeler game last year, wore shorts and a T-shirt and was very hot. Remember, if it is sunny you will be sitting in the sun for probably 4 hours and you will roast. (I do tend to be less tolerant of heat than others...but my niece who loves the heat was sweltering too.)
I didn%26#39;t even think about being in the stadium and in full sun. Thanks! I figured even in the 70%26#39;s on the river it may be a little cool for us but I remember needing a jacket while tailgating here in Houston and burning up once we were inside in the sun w/out the wind.
I second the hot weather packing. I remember attending a wedding a few years ago on Sept. 7th and it was one of the hottest days of the year! Although usually that is not the case. September weather in the %26#39;burgh is probably the nicest time of year (and October too).
Bring jeans, a light sweater or long sleeved t-shirt and a windbreaker or sweatshirt just in case,especially for evenings, but you%26#39;ll probably be OK with shorts during the day. Also, unless you are planning to go to an upscale restaurant Pittsburgh is a very casual place dress-wise so no need to worry about anything fancy. Even some of the nicer restaurants expect people to be dressed informally if they are coming in after a game.
Unless we have an unusual cool spell, usually September has temps in the 70-80%26#39;s (yeah - just when the kids go back to school - and our schools usually aren%26#39;t airconditioned). Unless we have lots of rain, it really won%26#39;t be very cool. Is that an afternoon game? If so - go with the shorts and t-shirt - and don%26#39;t forget a ';TERRIBLE TOWEL';.
See yunz soon!
We lived in Houston for two years, and Pittsburgh is the least humid place we%26#39;ve lived! Agree with advice to check weather.com prior to your trip. You%26#39;ll be in and out of the sun/shade, indoors/outdoors - so think in layers.
Pittsburgh: Great stadium. Lots of things to do. Fabulous people!
Thanks for all of your replies. I%26#39;ll be checking the weather before we leave but I guess i%26#39;ll need to bring a little bit of everything just to be prepared. Thanks again..
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