Has anyone out there driven down I95 from Pennsylvania and stopped anywhere in South Carolina along I95? If so, where did you stay. . . what can you recommend? I don%26#39;t need expensive but I like clean places!! A pool would be nice for the kids.
Thanks in advance for your help.
This is our first time driving. All other times I have flown to FL.
Need a hotel in SC - driving to FL from PA
Just drove from Lancaster PA to Pompano a few days ago. While I can%26#39;t advise you on places to stay as we drove straight (left at 1 am and arrived at 8:30 pm. I can tell you afte you get out of maryland you won%26#39;t find that much construction. Depending upon the time you hit the major cities you can probably stay right on 95 and not bother with the alternate routes that bypass the city.
Need a hotel in SC - driving to FL from PA
I have done it a couple of times. Along 95 especially near NC and SC there are chain hotels nearly every exit. You may want to pick one, cause when I went with out a reservation it took me about three exits to find on and this was about 1am.
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