Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week In Pittsburgh!


I am over in Pittsburgh for a week from the 26th August for the first time, and want a list of things to do and see am 29 and the other half is 24.

I am thinking of staying at the Residence Inn Oakland, as have always had good stays with Residence Inns before.

Any ideas on what to do and see and where to eat n drink would be gratefully received


Week In Pittsburgh!

Quick list:

1.Carnegie Museum

2.Phipps Conservatory

3.Pitt Campus

4.Station Square lunch or dinner, Sunday brunch at the Grand Concourse with a river view

5.PPG Place

6.South Side

7.Mt Washington and dinner at one of the restaurants with a view


9.PNC Park, take in a baseball game


11.Carnegie Science Center

12. Ice ball, peanuts and some popcorn at Gus and Ya Ya%26#39;s stand in West Park(near the Aviary)


Week In Pittsburgh!

Hey VinceyG, and other ';Destination Experts';, have you considered posting a Top Ten sticky topic the we can name ';Top Ten Must-Do%26#39;s for Pittsburgh';.

That way we won%26#39;t get so many of the same questions over and over.

I would also suggest making a road trip to see Frank Lloyd Wright%26#39;s Fallingwater and Kentuck Knob.

Also go over to the North side and check out the Warhol museum and the Matress Factory (another cool museum, small-ish).

If you are a football/soccer fan looking to see the Premier League matches while you are in Pittsburgh head to Piper%26#39;s Pub on the South Side near Oakland. Most matches will be shown and the beer selection is excellent.

BK, that%26#39;s a good idea - I thought there was one actually.

Scouser, spend a Friday or Saturday night walking the South Side for a pub crawl.

Have an evening meal on Mt. Washington and enjoy the gorgeous views of the city at dusk/night.

Attend a Pirate game if they are in town.

Spend a Saturday morning wandering the Strip District (our market area).

If you%26#39;ll have a car available, get out of the city and head towards the airport area and walk the Wildflower Reserve at Raccoon Creek State Park or the trail up the the spring at the Frankfort Springs area of the park.

Thanks All

Certainly looks like we will be busy... just need to pack now - nothing like leaving things till the last minute...


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