I would like to find a Bed Breakfast in walking to the Hilton on City Line Ave. Any suggestions?
Bed Breakfast
Philadelphia is really not much of an area for B%26amp;Bs. Another TA member just found one at 6009 Overbrook Avenue, which is just off of City Avenue, but not really within walking distance of the Hilton. There is a bus (#65)that would take you there. It%26#39;s about a 5-10 minute ride. I don%26#39;t know the name of the B%26amp;B or how good it is. Also, the area is not the best place to be walking around. It borders on a not-so-good neighborhood.
I am always curious as to why people want to stay at a B%26amp;B in Philadelphia. They are usually not much less expensive than a hotel, and as far as I can tell from pictures, generally not nearly as nice. Also, is there some compelling reason for you to stay near City Avenue rather than downtown?
Bed Breakfast
Philadelphia has some beatuiful B%Bs, but just like with restaurants or hotels, it%26#39;s good to get a first-hand recommendation.
How about a first-hand reccommendation? I am always stumped as to what to suggest as I have never seen anyone rave about one of our B%26amp;Bs. I%26#39;ve stayed at lovely B%26amp;Bs in Vermont and NY state, but these were small towns where IMO a B%26amp;B makes sense.
A friend of mine lived next door to the 1807 Townhouse listed at several BNB sites. I%26#39;ve only seen the downstair but it was lovely. Eveything I%26#39;ve heard and read about the Inn as a whole was quite positive.
Another friend was married 10 years ago at The Gables in West Philly. Also lovely, but lacks the great location.
You could try this link
Note that area around Hilton is OK to walk during the day but I would not walk it at night
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