Thursday, April 1, 2010

Getting around (past) Philly

We%26#39;ll be traveling to Atlantic City next Saturday from Pittsburgh (via turnpike I76). Is it better/quicker to travel I76 thru to NJ or go on I476 then I95??? It seems straight on I76 would be shorter, but is there less traffic on I476 %26amp; I96?? Thanks!

Getting around (past) Philly

I%26#39;d stick with 76.. Outside of rush hour its probably the easiest route..

Getting around (past) Philly

I agree with Loonbeam. Stay on I-76. If the traffic is bad there (like during rush hour), it is probably bad everywhere. BUT- tune your car radio to 1060AM (KYW). They have traffic on the 2s. If you hear that the Schuylkill eastbound is backed up due to a bad accident, etc, only then might it pay to take I-476S to I-95N to the Walt Whitman Bridge.

Gah, personally I avoid 76 as much as possible - no matter the time of day. It is far too unpredictable and is not worth my time to take a chance. Personally, I never suggest that road unless necessary.

In this case, the distance is even negligible (10 min extra?) so my advice is to take 476 South to 95 North. And those 10 minutes would be w/o traffic on 76 which is unlikely...

Now, I am the type of person who would take the longer way if it means not sitting in traffic, so take what I say with that in mind...

To answer the traffic amount question, there%26#39;s typically far fewer traffic backups on 95 due to the amount of lanes available. 95 is 10 wide at points.

Rush hour you%26#39;ll have traffic everywhere though - so just avoid that either way you go.

My 2 cents.

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