Friday, April 9, 2010

To Niagara Falls

I plan to visit Niagara Falls by early September over the weekend. I wouldn%26#39;t be driving. What is the most economic way to go Niagara from Fort Washington or Philadelphia?

Is there any free %26amp; easy tour or train service to Niagara from Fort Washington/Philadelphia? Thanks!

To Niagara Falls

As far as I know, there are no regular scheduled tour runs to Niagara Falls. Private groups may run trips but I couldn%26#39;t find anything in the area. There is Greyhound, but that%26#39;s not a run I would wish on anyone.

It%26#39;s important to note that the most popular attractions for Niagara falls are on the canadian side of the border.

Amtrak offers a run to Niagara Ontario from PHL. that right now is showing $63 each way. That%26#39;s an amazing price and seats are limited. It%26#39;s about an 11 hour trip. You change trains in NYC. I%26#39;m also not sure where the train in Niagara lets out, you may need a cab to the falls area.

Your other choice is to fly, couldn%26#39;t come up with anything less than $500 that would not require renting a car.

To Niagara Falls

The train (VIA RAIL in Canada)is within walking distance to all hotels and the American Falls (on the Canadian side). I agree with previous poster. It is a long train ride. You would be going through New York and then at Grand Central either hoping on Via Rail or continuing with AMTRAK. For the price it is definetly worth it. Niagara usually offers 2 night packages. If you want a nice hotel near the falls try: The Oaks, Hilton or Mariott or even the Radisson by the falls. The casino is withing walking distance of all these hotels.

If your looking for a ';budget hotel'; and again when I say budget I mean ';budget'; Lundy%26#39;s Lane has alot of the cheaper Motel type lodging. You will need a taxi though to get to their from the train.

Have a nice trip

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