Thursday, April 1, 2010

smorgasbords - are they really so different from other...

We%26#39;re planning to try Shady Maples or Good and Plenty while we%26#39;re visiting the Lancaster Co. area. I%26#39;ve been reading a lot about them and they sound fun. But I%26#39;m wondering if these restaurants are really much different than other buffet-type restaurants--which usually aren%26#39;t so great in my opinion. Ham is ham, right? Or, are these places different and how so? I guess I just want to keep things in perspective. Thanks!

smorgasbords - are they really so different from other...

In my opinion smorgasbords are buffets and agree 100% that the food isn%26#39;t that great. With that said, I have never been to either place so I can%26#39;t comment specifically to their food.

smorgasbords - are they really so different from other...

Shady Maple is a high-quality %26amp; VERY extensive buffet, but I%26#39;ve never thought of it as PA Dutch.

Many of the smorgasboard restaurants in the RT 30 area are authentic PA Dutch quality food, and in my opinion, a cut above the average buffet chains, such as Old Country, etc. The atmosphere is also ';homier.';

By PA Dutch, I mean most of the food (entrees, soups, deserts, gravies %26amp; sauces, etc.) is prepared from scratch, often from local family recipes using local meats %26amp; produce.

I like the Good and Plenty restuarant VERY MUCH. I first went there with the Montgomery College-Rockville (MD) track team when we had meets against Stevens Trade School in Lancaster, PA. I have since gone back on my own.

Now, as far as your observation about smorgasboards being no differnt than ';regular'; buffet types of restuarants, yes, you are right. However, in terms of regional food offerings in Lancaster County, PA; they are differnt since they are linked with the PA Dutch tradition in what type of foods they have to offer.

I would recommend Shady Maple wholeheartedly. It is a buffet, but it is beautiful especially if you get set up in one of the rooms along the outside. The food is awesome - very fresh, tasty, and lots of variety. There are slush drinks (A favorite with the kids), homemade fruited breads, the freshest vegtables, etc. I believe it is Mennonite owned and operated and they keep everything very clean. No canned or powdered mashed paotatoes there!

We%26#39;ve been three times on three different trips. We went to TN this summer from RI and since it was a two day road trip each way, we stayed in the area on the way home just so we could go to Shady Maple. All that being said, it IS a buffet - just a very, very good one.

A Smorgasbord IS a BUFFET! Let me tell you, Millers comes from a CAN and so do most of the others! I am not a mass food production type of person so I can%26#39;t say that I would suggest any of them. I%26#39;ve been to both Shady Maple (in college, and even then I wasn%26#39;t thrilled with the food) and Good N Plenty (do you like corn from a can, yams, and boiled ham? bland bland bland) If my memory serves me, Good N Plenty is all you can eat, but they bring the food to the table family style. You have to share w/ everyone at your dinner table, could be strangers! If I had to pick a Smorg in Lancaster County - I would say Groff Farm - much higher scale food - but it%26#39;s family style and they bring it to your table!!!

The Good and Plenty is awesome. It%26#39;s nothing like a buffet. It%26#39;s family style eating. The tables seat about 12 people and they serve the food on platters and in bowls and you pass it around like at home. The best thing is the food itself. Everything is just fantastic. The price is very reasonable and includes your beverage, meal and dessert and of course it%26#39;s all you can eat. If you run out of something and want more, they%26#39;ll bring more. I highly recommend it.

You might want to try the Family cupboard

on harvest drive in intercourse. Nothing

fake or phony here, just good plain

fresh from the farm food. this is a

smorgasboard restaurant.the price is very


Shady Maple is the biggest and best bang for the buck.

I have to agree that the Shady Maple is awesome. We go there every couple months and enjoy it immensely. That being said, we always go for breakfast and spend the rest of the day shopping around Lancaster. I did go for dinner once %26amp; didn%26#39;t think it was nearly as good.... but I am a breakfast person. They have a station to get pancakes made w/ anything you could imagine to pick for in them.... same for omelets and egg dishes. Homemade donuts to die for!!!! Another draw is the gift shop - the entire downstairs (and this place is HUGE) is a gift shop %26amp; they have everything from Amish made quilts/wooden items to expensive collectibles. It is very nice.

For your original question - yes, it is pretty much a giant buffet.... but it is all home made and high quality. The place is gorgeous %26amp; definitely worth the trip.

Have a great time!!

Shady maple is excellent. They have a huge variety of foods for even the pickiest eaters. Its a great place for the kids. They have soo many different items, drinks ,slushes, desserts to chose from. The shady maple farm market next door is also awesome. Many excellent prepared foods and desserts. The meat dept has much of thr freshest meat around. Definitely worth the trip

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