What is the fastest bus or train to New York City from Horsham (or nearby town like Willow Grove)Willow Grove)?
Any Taxi (to nearby train/bus station)around Horsham area on-call at early morning ~6-7am?
Public Transport and Taxi at Horsham, PA
You can take a Greyhound/Capitol Trailways bus from Willow Grove to NYC. 1 hour 40 minutes, though I find that hard to believe. Here is a link to the schedule:
Public Transport and Taxi at Horsham, PA
I believe that the Trans-Bridge bus line may also run a bus to NYC from the Doylestown train station, which would be a 15-minute taxi ride from the Horsham area. Or, you could take the Septa bus that runs straight up Easton Road (Rt. 611) from Horsham to Doylestown. Get off at the stop near the CVS (on the left) and walk a block up to the train station. Not sure how early in the a.m. that Septa bus runs, though.
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