I just returned from another great trip to the Lancaster area. We stayed at the Revere Inn, as usual, and it was great as usual. The place was packed, they always are. The room was spotless as always, the 2 pools packed with kids. The breakfast was very good as usual. Exciting news is that we found out they are renovating the place this winter. We have always loved the place, but it%26#39;s time for an updo, and they told us it%26#39;s coming. We ate at our favorite places, Lapps, Dienners,the Kling house, and thanks to some of the other posters, I tried Issacs for lunch (I%26#39;m a vegetarian), and it was great finding veg. soup and sandwiches on the menu.We shopped till we dropped as we always do, and cried all the way home, so sad to be leaving. I have my orange cake from the Upper Crust Bakery to hold me off until my Thanksgiving trip. My only complaint was the traffic on 30, it was worse than usual, but I guess there were others who had the same idea as us, as to visiting the last few days.
Another Great Trip
Im glad you had another great trip. I know what you mean about the crying part, i always cry after all of my vacations. It always a great thing when your favorite hotel renovates.
We are going to Willow Valley in December and cant wait to see all the room renovations they did. Now if only Bird in Hand would do some updating.
Another Great Trip
So glad you had a great time mittmott! Hopefully in November you%26#39;ll get to try Culturas!
Thank you everyone. Now I%26#39;m going over all my shopping goodies, and trying to work off the weight gain.
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