Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Help with restaurant name

Looking to see if anyone knows the name of a restaurant we ate at a few years ago. It%26#39;s not to far from the sovereign center and I believe it%26#39;s across the river. It is an Italian place, fairly large and offers tappas food. It%26#39;s located to the front of a large building.(other buisnesses in back of building). I beleive there is a wendy%26#39;s or other fastfood place up the hill across the road from it. It was a place we ate at one night when we were there for a concert. We are comming back for another concert and was trying to find the name of the place so we could get directions to it. I think it has kind of a weird name, but I could be wrong on that. Any suggestions would be great.

Help with restaurant name

I think it might be Viva Good Life across from the Vanity Fair Outlet - Website will give you directions, etc. if it%26#39;s the place you are looking for.


Help with restaurant name

Be aware that if it is indeed Viva, it%26#39;s currently closed because of the construction going on adjacent to it for the new Doubletree hotel going up. I%26#39;m not sure the timeline of the concert you%26#39;re seeing is, but it seems to be closed for the very immediate future.

Yes Viva is closed at least through Sept. 13, probably longer. Look on their website.

Other places to look into in that area (Wyomissing or in West Reading which is between Reading %26amp; Wyomissing) would be The West Reading Tavern, GNA Pizzeria Restaurant, Mom Chaffe%26#39;s (more expensive), 3rd %26amp; Spruce (it%26#39;s a bar), Chef Alan%26#39;s. Google these and get as much info as you can.

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