Just curious...I read on another forum that Doneckers is closing down entirely? Is this true? I%26#39;ve stayed there a few times in the past for business meetings and really enjoyed the restaurant and the stores. Any information on what is happening there?
Donekers question
Intelligence Journal newspaper out of Lancaster reports in its June 17 edition that the company is remaining tightlipped about its business. It has, however dropped dinner at its restaurant and is running a retail ';clearance'; that appears to be a liquidation. Restaurant will stop serving altogether at end of month. The article says that workers werd hired to carry placards advertising the sale of furniture and clothing along Route 322--not exactly in harmony with their highend merchandise!
A respondent to the article incicated that the restaurant, at least, is offered for sale in real estate releases. Asking price is $1,300,000, should you have interest! Another indication of the deep economic woes in our country!!
Donekers question
Yes Doneckers is in the stages of closing down, I have a friend from culinary school who was one of their chef and he is in the process of finding himself a new job
Does this mean the entire complex is closing? What about the Inn portion, is that closing as well? The only thing the website indicates is that they are having a big furniture sale.
The restautrant is already closed...
no formal announcement about the remainder of Doneckers businesses but if you have wanted to revisit the stores now would be a good time.
It%26#39;s official...
the clothing stores are closing also.
This is a real blow to Ephrata. Any town this size would be very fortunate to have an upscale, traffic producing specialty retailer such as Donecker%26#39;s, and their departure will surely impact the remaining modest business district.
I suppose in today%26#39;s marketing trends it%26#39;s just hard for an enterprise like Donecker%26#39;s to survive outside a major metro area.
Sadly, Ephrata is a different town these days.
Donnekers was always upscale with it%26#39;s clothing
line. I think they would have faired better had
they relocated more towards the Philly area.
I was there to shop a week or two ago and there wasn%26#39;t much left. I loved shopping there and will miss it. I did find that they did not have things marked down as advertised - 40 to 60% off. The better items were only 30% off. A real deal was Brighton handbags for 40% off! Some of the salesladies were very nice and helpful, others acted like you were a nuisance for shopping there, I found throughout the years.
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