What are our options in using trains from Newark to Philadelphia city center? How do we go about it? Do we also need to take a shuttle to the train station? Never tried to take the train before this route. We have done most train riding in Europe. We will be 2 adults and 1 eight year old child.
Also, we are choosing between staying at Embassy Suites, Loews or Holiday Inn. It%26#39;s our first time in Philadelphia and we want to get a lot of US History insight.
Philadelphia city from Newark (trains?)
If you are landing at Newark, you can take the AirTrain (or whatever they are calling it now) to Newark Station via New Jersey Transit. From there, you have a choice of taking NJT to Trenton, switching to Septa into the City, OR taking Amtrak direct into the City.
NJT/Septa is cheaper, but takes longer amd there is not a lot of luggage space. Amtrak is faster, nicer, direct, and more expensive. If budget allows, Amtrak would be my choice. From the Amtrak station at 30th street, just grab a cab to your hotel.
As far as hotels, if the historic aspect is your primary, I would stay at the Holiday Inn. It%26#39;s closest to that area for easy walking. The Embassy suites is more in the Museum area, and the Loews is in the Convention area (that said, none of them is a FAR walk).
Philadelphia city from Newark (trains?)
I agree on the travel, and if the budget allows, I would second amtrak as you will find it much nicer and faster.
If you do not plan on taking a cab a lot once you get into philly, I would suggest that you book at the holiday inn in the historic district (at 4th and arch I believe) as it will be closest to all the attractions and limit the walking that will need to be done with you 8 year old
Hope this helps
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