Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First weekend in October?

I%26#39;m planning to travel to Gettysburg the first weekend in October, arriving Friday the 3rd and checking out Monday the 6th. I%26#39;ve been checking some of the in-town hotels online and there are no available rooms. Anyone know what%26#39;s going on? We really want to stay in town so we can walk. Thanks!

First weekend in October?

I believe the Apple cider festival is the first and second weekend in OCT. Its brings in a good many people.

First weekend in October?

P.S. A Bed and breakfast is the best way to go when staying in Gettys. Try the Brickhouse Inn...or even the Dobbin house. There are so many within walking distance to most things.

Thank you - maybe it%26#39;s the Apple festival that%26#39;s causing the overflow. The Brickhouse was one of my first picks but is already completely booked. I will call them to see if they keep a waiting list.

There are a few lesser known B%26amp;B%26#39;s on Baltimore Street where you may have luck, as they are often overlooked...

A Sentimental Journey is a World War II-themed B%26amp;B located a few doors from the Farnsworth House and steps from shops, ghost tours, museums and many restaurants. The rates are surprisingly low, under $100/night.

The Tillie Pierce House B%26amp;B is new, and I%26#39;m not sure of its exact location on Baltimore Street - it%26#39;s an historic building (the residence of Tillie Pierce during the battle) and the rates are much more in keeping with Gettysburg B%26amp;B%26#39;s, over $150/night.

Passages Inn adjoins the Ghosts of Gettysburg HQ (though not affiliated) and I can tell you from personal experience, the inn is beautiful and the rooms very comfortable. However, my experience there was less than spectacular in many ways related to service, and I wouldn%26#39;t stay there again. I seem to be the exception, though, as dozens of other guests have submitted glowing reviews of their experiences there - so perhaps my weekend just happened to be an off weekend for the innkeepers. Anyway, their rates are very reasonable (under $150/night) and as of this morning, they have full availability for the 1st weekend in October.

All these B%26amp;B%26#39;s have websites with room photos/descriptions and rates posted. Good luck!

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