Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Things to do near Spring Gulch

Will be camping at Spring Gulch this weekend with two families, 6 kids ages 11-15. While the website looks like there is a lot to do at the campground, what else is nearby? Parks? Hiking? Does anyone know how far to whitewater rafting and what tour companies to use? Thanks!

Things to do near Spring Gulch

You aren%26#39;t that far from Hershey, maybe an hour or less. The shopping around Kitchen Kettle Village on rt. 340 is a lot of fun, with beautiful gift shops. On rt. 30 around 10 minutes away from the campground are the outlets, rockvale and tanger. I can%26#39;t help you with the outdoor activies, we never did that there, we saved that for when we camped up in the mountains. Spring Gulch was always the '; Amish Country'; for us. Your kids are a little old for the buggy rides, and strasburg railroad rides (at least the 15 yr olds). There is also a great mini golf course in Strasburg, called the Village Greens, that my kids at that age loved. It%26#39;s nice to take a ride to in the evening, and you can get ice cream or shakes there also. I%26#39;m sure ohers will pipe in with some ideas shortly. Enjoy.

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