Is it possible to get to the reenactments, tour the battlefields w/o a car if I stay near Lincoln square?
Best Western reviews are mixed except for the location so I%26#39;m trying to find a place near there to stay hoping that I can walk to the sites.
I%26#39;d really appreciate b%26amp;b or hotel recommendations that are walking distance to the museums %26amp; battlefield attractions.
Gettysburg w/o a car
I%26#39;ve been to Gettysburg several times, and while I%26#39;m not sure of the location of the new visitors center with respect to the battlefield, I would say that you could stay somewhere and certainly see some of the battlefield, but understand that the battlefield covers 6,000 acres has 30 miles of roads, and over 1,400 monuments all told. I know it takes 2-3 hours to tour it by car and I%26#39;ve seen folks on bikes doing it, but I suspect you would be pretty limited on foot. Can you walk to the Visitors Center and take one of the tour buses that will drive you around? They aren%26#39;t that expensive.
Gettysburg w/o a car
I would like to walk to the visitor center %26amp; take the tours. I%26#39;m also trying to get hotel/b%26amp;b suggestions (other than Best western) that are walking distance to town stuff %26amp; the visitor%26#39;s center I guess.
I%26#39;d better let a local person answer that question since I don%26#39;t know the hotels in relation to the new center and the town itself.
Your best bet for lodging near part of the battlefield would be the Quality Inn on Steinwehr Ave. It sits at the base of Cemetery Hill and a few hundred yards from Cemetery Ridge so there are two battlefield areas that would be an easy walk. Other parts of the battlefield are a more significant hike; not knowing how much walking you want to do or are able to do, you could at least see some of it.
The new Visitor Center is rather farther removed from hotels and B%26amp;Bs than its predecessor. It is - roughly - about a half-mile or so from the nearest lodging, maybe a bit more. There are, however, little trolley buses that pick up and drop off from spots in town to the Visitor Center and back. This would no doubt help you.
A couple other places you might stay within walking distance of some of the battlefield might be the Holiday Inn on Baltimore St and the Brickhouse Inn B%26amp;B. But probably the best selection for your situation is Quality Inn in Steinwehr.
I intended to add that I would not stay in Lincoln Square given your situation. Too far from most of the battlefield.
Being a walker myself I consider prety much any place close enough [I should tell you that I%26#39;ve been known to put on 25+ miles a day walking around when in Gettysburg]. If your main interest is getting to the Vistor%26#39;s Center stay in one of the places on Stienwere Ave [sorry sp]. If you walk past the old vistors center and down to Mead%26#39;s Headquarter, cross the road and you%26#39;ll find a lovely walking path that brings you right to the new center.
I like the Quality Inn on Stienwere myself, or in a pinch the Holliday Inn.
The public trolley runs April-October. Here is a link to the route and stops:
There are plans to extend public transportation in the region, but those are still in the works.
Since 10 rides are only $5, my advice would be to stay at the James Gettys--I%26#39;ve never stayed there, but it has good reviews and is in a neat part of town--and take the trolley to get around. The James Gettys is on the first block west of the square on Rt 30. You%26#39;ll be within a block of a coffee shop, bakery, and several other dining choices, as well as a grocery store. From the west side of the square, you can also walk to Seminary Ridge, which is not on the trolley line but is very interesting.
Good luck with your planning!
Just a question---if no car--how are u getting there?
There is no train or bus station or airport in gettysburg
We might drive, but my husband wants to do as much on foot aw possible. Once he parks, he doesn%26#39;t want to open the car again until it%26#39;s time to leave. I%26#39;m trying to situate us walking distance to the restaurants and battlefields. Hopefully not more thatn 15 min walk to each. but that may not be possible.
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