Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rent a car or Walk/Subway?

I will be in Philadelphia on Sep 10-13 and was wondering if it was worth it to rent a car or just walk and take public transit. I am not sure where to stay yet.

Is there enought to do in Philadelphia for 4 days or should I rent a car and do some day trips like new york, atlantic city

Appreciate in Advance

Rent a car or Walk/Subway?

You will not need nor want a car unless you are planning on visiting sites outside the city. Philadlephia is VERY walkable. You may not even need to take the subway or bus!

Rent a car or Walk/Subway?

Depending on your pace 3-4 days is a good amount of time for Philly (for example, for some people the Art Museum is a day, for some 2 hours, for some 2 days)...

Thank You Both

One quick question, Would it still be ok to do the walk/subway thing if we stayed out by the airport or suburbs

That could be doable but much less convenient. From the airport, there is a train (the R1) that takes you into the city. However, you must first get a shuttle from your hotel to the train. If you stay in the suburbs, it depends how close you are to a convenient train line. All in all it will be much easier and you will waste less time by staying in the city

I agree with rocknroll. You will be much happier staying in the city. From a monetary point of view, by the time you factor in commuting costs, it usually costs about the same to stay in town. Not to mention the convenience...

Parking in Center City Philadelphia is expensive, street parking can be hard to find, and the Parking Authority is one of the most efficient departments in Philly so tickets are a real possibility. As the previous posters have noted -- you don%26#39;t want a car in Philly. I also suspect the average city street is the width of a Kansas City driveway, so you might not enjoy driving here anyway. There are B%26amp;Bs in the city that might be cheaper than a hotel, but the extra expense of staying in Center City may may be offset by the convenience factor.

Thank You for your responses, i have been doing a lot of research so far. We got a room at the Marriott Downtown for 70 a night on priceline. We are looking forward to this trip.

That%26#39;s quite a deal and a good location, very central. You should be able to walk nearly everywhere or will be very close via public transit or taxi.

$70 a night at the Marriott Downtown? That%26#39;s an amazing deal! Their usual rate is in the $300s!

BTW, the hop on hop off bus stops right outside the Marriott.

how did you get that deal on Priceline? I could use some tips.

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