Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dorney Park-Saturdays in September...

We%26#39;re a family of four with two school age children aged 10 and 12. We%26#39;ve never been to Dorney Park and from what I have read and heard on this site and elsewhere, it is a place best to avoid on the weekends during the summer but OK during the weekdays.

How is the place during Saturdays in September? Specifically we%26#39;re thinking of going either September 21st or 28th. The park is closed to the public for the first two Saturdays of September. I%26#39;m afraid that because of this, a lot of people might flood the park during the weekends when it reopens to the public.

What are people%26#39;s thoughts on this? Thanks for any advice....

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