Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Good Parking Garage near 1800 Market St.?

I%26#39;m looking for a good price on a parking garage near the 1800 block of Market St. I%26#39;ll be arriving around noon on a Saturday, and leaving by noon on Sunday.

I have seen the philapark.org website, but I can%26#39;t figure out what would be my best deal for these hours on the weekend. For example, the Kennedy House Garage (1901 JFK Blvd.) advertises a weekend flat rate of $11, but do I still get this price leaving the car overnight, or do I have to pay double?



Good Parking Garage near 1800 Market St.?

Your best bet is to call the garages you are interested in. Generally, they go by 24 hour periods, but I%26#39;m not sure what a ';weekend flat rate'; means. Knowing the clientele of that garage (mostly commuters), it probably means all weekend, but call first.

Good Parking Garage near 1800 Market St.?

The Kennedy House Garage charges $11 per weekend day (enter after 6 AM, leave by 1 AM). I arrived at the garage about noon, and moved the car out to the street at about 11 PM.

If I had left the car there overnight, I would have been charged $26, according to the attendant.

Thanks for your help.


  • help finding niche
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