I am planning to drive across the US, from North East to South West, in August 2008.
Can anyone suggest places to reliably find healthy food whilst driving - markets or stores or eating places?
I do not eat many food types - including all this:
No dairy, no sugar, no gluten, no alcohol, no fruit (sugar), no wheat, no caffeine, no %26#39;junk%26#39;.
I do eat wholegrains, nuts, seeds, fish, meat, pulses (beans), sprouted seeds, and so on, but only when free of sugar. I eat a lot of vegetables, freshly cooked and organic where possible.
I eat little salt and oddly butter is allowed. Goats products are also ok, as is occassional natural yoghurt but milk is out!
The last time I did this journey, the food choices on route were very disappointing and after week two my guts were aching from lack of fibre (despite a supply of figs and fibre, they could not combat the processed white flours and refined foods).
The route is not yet defined but it is a big country and despite a lot of ';good places to eat';, it is the %26#39;other%26#39; places that are of concern - where there seems only fast food outlets and foods from flour, fat and sugar.
Has anyone a tip for where to find reliable supplies, a particular store or chain?
The car is to be loaded up with supplies, obviously, and this diet does allow meat and fish and rice and beans and vegetables ... but, any tips would be very helpful - and useful to many other people too, not just travellers but all who have weight to lose, nutrients to find, and who care for their bodies.
Best wishes - and thanks in advance!
Road trip - healthy eating - help please
Two food store chains meeting your needs have moved into this region in recent years. They are Trader Joe%26#39;s and Whole Foods. See www.traderjoes.com and www.wholefoodsmarket.com for locations. Also, Wegmans stores, are large supermarkets centered largely in New York state. They would also carry many of the products you need. See www.wegmans.com for locations. If you would like the names of specific restaurants, I would map out the trip and ask for suggestions specifically in the cities of your travel.
Road trip - healthy eating - help please
Another site to visit is localharvest.org. Searchable by state or zip code, it can help you find organic farms, co-ops, and farmers%26#39; markets.
Even in the past five years, large grocery stores have started carrying more of the products you%26#39;re looking for. Giant, a regional chain, has entire organic and whole foods sections in most stores.
As you plan your trip, you may want to look for the college towns, especially in rural areas, as they will have more food choices.
Good luck and enjoy your trip!
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